During this Presidential campaign season, I am amazed and appalled with the television studios and their spin. In the 2008 campaign, it was the same. The only difference this time is the presidential hopefuls. I will not beat around the bush and give hints as to who I will vote for. I will vote for Dr. Ron Paul as I did four years ago with a write-in ticket. I am not ashamed of wanting this man as our next president as I believe he has the best ideas to solve most of our country’s problems.
Judging from the responses of the “Tea Party” hopefuls, I’d say Dr. Paul’s ideas have filtered through and struck a nerve with the establishment. Though, not entirely the way those that voted for Dr. Paul had hoped.
Dr. Paul is a staunch Constitutionalist. If you look at his voting record, he has never voted for anything that would violate the United States Constitution. He is against all the wars that our country is involved in, and believes we should not have 900 bases in 150 countries. If you’re keeping track, there are roughly 196 countries in the world as this number varies depending on whom you ask and when. Even more surprising is the number of United States bases that are scattered throughout the world varies as well.
As I was saying, Dr. Paul is the only candidate running for PotUS that believes, along with 63% of U.S. citizens, we should not be at war. Numerous news reporters, lobbyists, politicians, and misinformed voters have stated in the past, as well as recently, “Ron Paul is an isolationist!” based on his foreign policy views.
Balderdash. One of the points in his 2008 campaign and his 2012 campaign is “non-interventionism”. That means, we should keep our noses out of everyone’s business but our own. The media constantly bombards us with the “isolationist” rhetoric. Further, Rudy Giuliani in 2008 attacked Dr. Paul for the same reason Rick Santorum has been this season. Giuliani and Santorum both state, “Al Qaeda attacked the United States because they hate our freedoms and our way of life.” There are other candidates that believe this as well, but they are just a tad smarter and never really bring it up. I’m curious as to how they believe this nonsense.
Apparently, these two gentlemen have never taken a physics class. I take that back, they seem like they’ve never even taken a general science class. One of the fundamental laws of physics is Newton’s Third Law: To every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction. Osama bin Laden even understood this since he himself stated the U.S. was attacked because we provoked the people in that region. There is no reason for him to have lied about this.
Here is a simple analogy that may make it a tad easier for these two gentlemen (Giuliani and Santorum) to understand the current situation and how they are completely wrong:
Two kids eating lunch on a playground. The larger of the two punches the other and takes his sandwich. He is, after all, a larger child and needs extra food. The smaller child gets upset about this, but he continues and starts to open his fruit cup. Again, the larger of the two punches the other and takes his fruit cup. He is, after all, a larger child and needs extra food. The smaller child takes it all in stride, just as he did before, and begins to open his Snickers he kept for a rainy day. And again, the larger child punches the other and attempts to steal the candy bar. After all, he is a larger child and needs extra food. Only this time is a little different. The smaller child is desperate. He is hungry and has been bullied during lunch and even his last resort is being stolen. What does the smaller child do? He beats the ever loving crap out of the larger boy and gets to keep his candy bar.
We, the United States of America, are the bully. We are the ones asserting ourselves all around the world. We are picking fights with other countries. We are the ones in the wrong and we need to fix it. We should never expect the outcome of provocation to be peace. If you poke a chihuahua with a stick too many times, you may wake up with pee on your face in the middle of the night. Most children understand this. The only exception are bullies.
The last thing I wanted to touch upon is the history of all the candidates that are running for president this election. I would urge everyone to read up on each one. Vote for the candidate that YOU agree with. Never listen to the media when they say who the “top tier” or “top two” are. The media these days are always biased. They will push for the candidate THEY agree with the most and whom will benefit them the most.
Read through and actually think about the repercussions and outcomes of the candidates’ proposed solutions. Really listen to what they are saying. Most of the candidates are playing the “sound bite” game. Some small quip that will get them noticed and in the spotlight. Others are playing “Chinese Whispers”.
I don’t know about you, but I’m voting for The Constitution. I am not going to vote for a politician. I will vote for a statesman. I am not voting for the lesser of two evils. I am voting for LIBERTY.
Check out Dr. Ron Paul’s political stance at:
Ron Paul @ Wikipedia
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